
How I setup my System Preferences (Mac OS).

How I set up my system preferences. (Mac iOS)

After getting several requests for this walkthrough, it's finally here!

System preferences offers a variety of options for tailoring your computer experience to better serve you. Using these options to your advantage, you can make common functions much easier or pleasant to deal with.

In this video, I'll walk you through the main settings in system preferences that I use on my MacBook Pro. These settings range from basic desktop and battery options to more intricate keyboard preferences, shortcuts, app/tool settings and more.

Feel free to leave any thoughts or questions for me in the comments below :)

Script I used to disable notifications:
** You will have to install brew and cliclick for the script to work.

Hey what's up? I'm going to show you how I set up my System Preferences. This is a request from a subscriber who just got a new mac. I'm going to run you through my preferences. Just a friendly reminder, this is how I set them up, and not necessarily exactly how you should, so just take whatever you like, and yeah, let's go ahead and get started. So I'm going to run through these, one by one, and if there's no changes, I'll just kind of skip over it. Some of them I'll have to skip over for security purposes, as I run through them I'll just mention the ones that I made changes to, as I just said, sorry for the repetition. Okay I like Dark Mode much better than, you probably noticed if you watch my videos. Accent color, this little highlighter one. I don't know where it comes up though, I go ahead and change to Google Chrome [for default browser] and then for recent items, when you go to a program, and do File, Open, Recent Items, I like to have the maximum. Here, Desktop and Screen Saver, I just have my custom little star gazing thing, with my name in it, or my star constellation. You have to put any pictures inside of ~/your-username-folder/Pictures/ You can go to your Desktop, and then do command up, and then you can go to Pictures, here, or just search Pictures, inside of Alfred, by doing, Pictures. There you go. Next, Dock and Menu Bar, um, there's a lot of settings here for the Control Center, that I never really use, but I go ahead and change my dock's settings. Actually, by right clicking on this little line here, and I turn Hiding Off, or I turn hiding on, rather, and I don't turn magnification on, I turn magnification off, and Position on Screen, is Left. Because when you have it [the dock] at the bottom, and you try to resize a window, your mouse is at the bottom right of the screen, and it interacts with the dock, so this avoids that. They're opening next door [garage opening noises from outside]. Okay, and minimize using Genie Effect, yeah, the reason why I Hide my dock is because, I'm very easily distracted, and if you have any programs that have badges, it'll show up in the dock. That way I can choose when to see my notifications, and the notifications don't choose when to bother me. More on that later. So for Dock size, small, or all the way [smallest] because I use Alfred to open up pretty much everything, and magnification, I turn off, moving on. Mission Control, I go ahead and turn off all of the spaces stuff, because Spaces is when you have a layout of programs on one Space, or one, one Desktop, that looks like this, but then you can switch to a totally new one. The animation kind of makes me motion sick, so I don't use it. I use the F keys on my keyboard a lot, more on that in a second. So I go ahead and disable everything, because I don't use, um, any of these, and I have my own shortcut for Show Just Desktop with Alfred. Hot corners, I usually put one of them, is [as] put display to sleep, so I can drag my Wacom Tablet or mouse, to the bottom left, and turn off the monitor. At work, I would maybe do lock window, or not lock window, Lock Screen. Yep, Lock Screen, and that way I can keep my computer secure at work. Siri, um, I don't really use Enable Ask Siri. Um yeah, so Spotlight, um I don't really use that much, if you ever add files to your computer, and Alfred doesn't pick them up, you can drag those files into here, and then remove them, and Spotlight will automatically re-index that folder that you just dragged in, and it will now show up in Alfred, so hot tip for Alfred! More in the Alfred video here. Uh, Notifications, okay this is the second time I filmed this video, so I'm gonna show you really quickly, um, your notifications are probably all On, and I hate notifications, because there's just so many, I use so many programs. So I'm going to write a little script for you, and I'll post it. Check out this video on How I Automate my Job, to learn how to do this, but essentially, I'm going to write a script to go through and disable the notifications, one by one, if you have a lot of programs. Okay, so, I'm going to do New AppleScript, "disable notes", Okay, I'm going to do "tella", System Preferences, to activate, then I'm going to click on allow notifications, so mouse, click, allow, but it would be "don't allow", and then I'll push the down key, so activate System Events, down key. Okay, and then I'm going to loop it for however many programs you have. I would usually do 10 at a time, so loop setup. Okay now, if you just want to not learn how to do this little script, and use this script, all you have to do is do shift command 4, as if you're taking a screenshot. See where the numbers are over the toggle switch, for Allow Notifications, and then replace the XY coordinates right here. I'll go ahead and leave you a note, replace XY coordinates. Here, okay, so I'm going to go ahead and turn on the notifications, for these, and I'm gonna do an example. So I'll do one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Okay, so I'll start at the first one, and then run my script, disable notes, I'll do it seven times, boom, yes, yay, there, go, all, of, them, cool. So you can do a little script like that to quickly handle all of those, and then I would recommend going through which programs you do actually want notifications for, if that is the case. Moving on, Internet Accounts, these are just pretty basic things, to set up your e-mail. I'll skip over that for security purposes. I don't use Wallet and Apple Pay too much. I don't like to use touch ID, I prefer a password, don't want anyone cutting off my finger, not that that's a thing. Users and groups, the most important thing here is to go to login items and make sure that any programs that you don't want to start up at the beginning, you go ahead and take off. If you don't recognize it, take it off. Because when you start a program, it'll automatically load the stuff that it needs, it's just trying to get a head start. If you just have a new mac, your mac is very fresh and clean, so this is a good way to keep it starting quick quickly. A good way to keep it starting quickly, a good way for it to start quickly. Accessibility, I don't use too much. There are a couple cool things you can do like, dictation. Security and privacy, this is where you can restrict apps and the access that they have to your computer. Whenever an app requests something on your computer, it'll have a pop-up window come up and have you add it at that time. For a lot of the things I use Alfred, Better Touch Tool, Size Up , Script Editor, all the stuff, it comes up each time. So yeah, just a note. File vault, if you want to encrypt your hard drive. So, if someone tries to get into it, it'll be encrypted. Unless you enter the password and you have a recovery key. Definitely recommend doing it. Does take a while to set up but it is something that is good. Software update, will be where you update the Mac OS. I think, I actually have an update to do now and you'll get notified here versus, the App store, where software updates for Mac OS previously were. Network, this is just controls for your ethernet and your Wi-Fi, um pretty self-explanatory nothing fancy there. Is bluetooth, same thing with that. When I find whenever I'm trying to connect a device to my laptop, I have to open up this window for my computer to be discoverable. That may or may not be true in all cases. That's just my experience. Um sounds, this is where you can switch the sounds and make aggregate devices. Basically, if you want to make uh your Wi-Fi speaker and your computer be one sound output, you can do that there. Printers and scanners pretty self-explanatory. I have a whole video on this, I'll put a link there. But running through it quickly, I do use f1 keys and f2, so it'll switch the standard functions for my "f" keys to be f1 to 12 or 16 or 18 or whatever it is it's 16. 17. somewhere in between. And then if you want to do the sound key, you'll have to push function, sounds, key but I use a lot of keyboard shortcuts so do that. Text, I usually do some text replacement. So if I type in "oh well", it'll do this. You can set that up there or in Typinator. I have another video on that. Shortcuts, I go ahead and disable Spotlight because I like Alfred to use the command space. Um keyboard shortcut, I have a couple, uh I have a couple app shortcuts like make a new make a new folder. I'll also have a video on that. And then for dictation, I have it off but if you do a keyboard shortcut, you can start dictating to the Mac and it'll start typing for you and doing other things, I think. Oh also, for shortcuts here I make sure to use keyboard navigation to move focus. So that way, when you push "tab" you can go through all of the options and it makes your computer much more controllable by the keyboard. Cool flying through this. All right trackpad, I go ahead and disable the scroll and zoom because I don't like it that much. And then for mouse, I also disable the smart zoom, the secondary click and for more gestures, I just take away the swipe and I'll take away that because I just don't use it a lot on my mouse that I have, and yeah that's that. Tracking speed, you can control at your leisure. If you like it to be slower. Displays, um if you do have a display or on your laptop display, you can go to scaled and I like to choose the biggest space possible. Color, I just keep it to whatever it is by default and then night shift, I probably should turn this on. I'll just do sunset to sunrise. I usually, actually I will turn that off because I use a program called Flux. Flux, is my little um, it controls the color temperature of my screen and what I do is I just manually do it and just keep it there because I like it like that all the time. Moving on, Battery, I usually do battery and I do for one hour. I disable enable power nap, I disable put hard disk to sleep when possible. Because if I'm uploading something or doing something or away from my computer and letting an automation run or just you know, I like to know when my computer is on and I make sure to turn it off every night or put it to sleep when I'm not using it. But that's why I do that, you can schedule things like that here as well. Also with the power adapter, I wouldn't recommend never but I would recommend a long time for when you turning your display off. Also, for power adapter I disable these settings here. Date and time, I use 24 time and I think that's in language and region. Yeah which is next, actually I skipped over it. So language and region, I use 24-hour times and you can go here and set certain apps for certain languages. Let me try to do it. I'll do iA Writer which is another program that I like in french, french. So let's try it out. iA Writer, so that's cool, I think I'll leave that. So that's pretty cool too if you want to practice another language that you might speak. All right, Sharing, I disable everything. This is a very big security risk. So, I disable everything and you can turn it on when you need it but always turn it off afterwards. Never leave your computer open in any way. Time machine, I don't use, I put everything on dropbox but that's a pretty easy setup. You just choose a hard drive and you just plug it in and it does its thing, pretty reliable from what I hear, my mom uses it. Startup disk, is whenever you put in a Alfred disk and you want to load from a USB drive, that's what you would do. Hazel, that's a whole program and that's how you access the preferences. I won't go into that, I have a video on that Um, "How I organize my downloads." And then lastly Wacom Tablet. If you do have one,I also have a video on that. I feel like Vanna White now. Whenever, because I just figured out how to put the info cards and apparently it helps with SEO. Okay so just quickly, what I do for the pen, I do this as a space bar. So this here, so I do keystroke spacebar. I do just one monitor and yeah that's it. You can set different settings for each program by clicking here, which is pretty cool. Sometimes in photoshop maybe I'd want to change the functions of the pen but I always forget that it's different and so just use one standard across the board. One thing that I forgot, um in keyboard is I put key repeat all the way fast and delaying repeat all the way fast also have a video specifically on keyboard preferences alright I'll leave it at that sorry I went through it super fast but I want to present the information efficiently and not take up too much of your time. Thank you so much for watching. If anyone has any requests send them over and I'll get to it as soon as I can and as always you can email me at or join the Slack Channel. Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you later. I nailed it! Hey, what's up. I'm gonna show you how I set up my System Preferences. This is a subscribe. Hey what's up. I'm gonna show. Hey what's up, damn it. Hey, what's up. Oh let me turn off the fan. Okay, hey what's up. I'm gonna show you how I set up my System Preferences. This is a subscriber request. You just. Hey what's up. I'm going to show you how I set up my System Preferences. This is a request from a subscriber, who just got a new mac. I'm going to run you through my preferences, just a friendly reminder this is how I set them up and not necessarily exactly how you should, so just take whatever you like and yeah let's go ahead and get started.

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