
How I type on my phone.

Just admit it: typing on a phone is kind of the worst. Luckily, I found this great program called 1Keyboard that connects your keyboard to your smartphone with a quick keyboard shortcut! It's especially great for texting your friends and other contacts directly from your work computer.

In addition, this program can connect to other devices and also allows you to paste from your computer directly to your phone. So let's say for instance, you have a long wifi password that you want to share with your phone. With 1Keyboard, you can simple copy it from your computer and easily send it there — no annoying retyping needed. Check it out, and let me know what you think!

1Keyboard (available on the Mac App Store)

Hey what's up? I'm Luke, and I'm going to show you how I type on my phone, or rather, not type on my phone. So, I like to type really fast, and I usually like to connect my keyboard to my phone, and there's a really cool program called 1Keyboard. I think it's around five or six bucks, I'll check the price and insert it here. Basically what you do is, you connect your phone to your computer via bluetooth, and then you activate a keyboard shortcut, and you could type on different devices. Let's try it out. I'll go ahead and go to 1Keyboard here, and I'll go to Preferences, and these are the devices that I already have set up. To set up a new device, you go to bluetooth on your phone, and you connect from your phone to your computer, and then it'll pop up a new window to make a new keyboard shortcut. So I'll go ahead and connect from my new phone to my computer, and then I can record a new keyboard shortcut. So now every time that I do that keyboard shortcut, it'll connect to the device, that I just connected. So I'm going to go ahead and connect to my Productivity Shop phone, and I'll show you how it works, once it's all set up and it's running. Here's my phone, boom. So what I'll do is, I'll do the keyboard shortcut [for the] Productivity Shop phone, and then it'll start typing. It will start typing here... Let me do another example, that'll be a little bit more meta. A phone within a phone. Okay, let's see if I can do this. Okay, so I'm going to use an AppleScript to automatically type something, but, to show you how it works. So basically what the AppleScript is going to do, it's going to connect to this phone here, and then it'll type using the keyboard. Okay so I'm going to go ahead and activate the AppleScript. So, whenever the keyboard goes down you know that it's connected to the computer. Pretty cool, huh? So yeah, the program is called 1Keyboard. It's really simple. You can also connect it to your AppleTV, if you need, and other [Bluetooth] devices. It's compatible with Android I think, or Android Devices. I'll go ahead and provide where to find the app inside of the description box. If you have any questions, you can email me at, or join the Productivity Shop Slack Channel. Thanks for watching! See you later!

The Productivity Shop, LLC / Trademark 2020