
Here's the Tea on Tech Part 1


Here’s the tea on tech, part one. How recruiting works in Tech. #tech #productivity

♬ original sound - Luke

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How recruiting in the tech world works.
This is what I learned after going through the recruitment process at Airbnb.

here's the tea on tech part two how to get an interview at a tech company so let's say that you find a recruiter or sourcer that you want to reach out to you could be currently looking for a job or already have a job i want to give you some tips that i share with my students on how to get that first contact to get them to respond to you so as i mentioned in my last video tech companies have huge teams of people looking for people to work for them so you just have to find the right target don't be afraid to cast a wide net but don't email everybody or anything ask around see who is on different slack channels who see who's talking at conferences things like that another way to have a sorcerer find you directly on linkedin because they're on all day long is you can take some of the keywords from the job description that you want and then put it inside of your profile haven't tried it but it seems like a good idea one of my main tips that i share with my students when reaching out to recruiters or sorcerers or trying to get a job is to show them rather than tell them rather than tell them oh hey i'm awesome and i've done this this and this and this here's my resume here's my website et cetera that is a lot of things for them to go through to determine if you're right for the role show them rather than sell them and what do i mean by that let's say you want to work for a company and you want to do user experience design go to that company's website or their app and find something that looks a little clunky or something that you think could be better go ahead and redesign it create a presentation and what i like to do to knock it out of the field which was my secret i would screen capture everything that i was doing on my screen i'll post a link to my screen capture youtube channel outside of productivity shop but basically it just puts the cherry on top because they can see your work as you're doing it you're showing them rather than tell them and inside of these videos you want to make sure to have a very clean desktop things like that but it'll show your file organization strategies the way you work and every other part of it i use screenflow personally but you can use imovie i think or any other video editing software or maybe an app but um basically record your screen and then quicken it up i'll show you an example that i did whenever i wanted to work for dropbox i love organizing files and dropbox is all about file storage so it seems like a good fit also too another tip you want to use the tools that they use so if it's apple dropbox google put your presentation inside of google slides or or for dropbox put it in dropbox paper just like i did so i wrote a little note just kind of talking and then i went ahead and created some designs for what i would want to do at dropbox i also showed them that i can work within a system and i did some other designs off of their current dropbox foundation website how productivity shops could reach out to the community via dropbox and maybe help out and then i designed an internal learning library for dropbox where i can teach the internal employees of dropbox things about productivity and file organization and also help the company from that end and then i made a production design department how i can provide my production assigned services to dropbox as well so i had an out facing campaign follow for part two i think this is too long

The Productivity Shop, LLC / Trademark 2020